Friday, September 21, 2012

Routes of Man: Rhetorical Modes Ch. 1 - 3

Ch. 1

  • Narration:  Setting in Peru; he tells stories (historic stories), for example on pages 20-21. Characters: Miguel, Rollando, Braulio. uses dialog; tells all of his stories/traveling experiances when it is relative to the topic.
  • Cause & Effect: pg. 42 he lists the effects that roads will have on the community in both environmental and social effects.
  • Definition:  pg. 66 "scabbes were paves ways of stone that often used a limestone mortar" he defines many of the native words such as scabbes and shipapv (pg. 68)
  • Description:  Pg. 59 "the next day began with a baby's cry and ended with the raor of chain saws". The roar of chain saws were the men cutting down the mahogony. Figurative desc.: metaphore- pg. 70 "channel for life's breath". Roads allow for life to spread/expand/(life/way of living grows and improves)
  • Exemplification:  pg. 68 " Archaelogists" quote. He uses archaeologists points of views for examples on the topic on whether or not the community will benifit form roads.
Ch. 2
  • Definition: pg. 71 "chaddar" - trail upon the frozon surface. pg. 82 "pujas"
  • Narration:  tells the story of Lobzang Tashi Pg. 76, and how he owuld go with children on the journey to Chaddar, which was a major event in the community. He mainly talks about the travel on the chaddar and all of the harships that went along with it.
  • Description:  the "chaddar" is described throughout the chapter. How it "changes constantly" p. 99 and all the "open water", "patches of ice" and "loud creaks and whumps - deep water movments of frozen, fractured ice." and walking barefoot on the ice p. 101
Ch. 3
  • Definition: AIDS p. 118; disease spred y "sleeping with prostitutes" (sexually transmitted disease). Described how it was transferred.The african language is decribed too such as words like "haraka!" pg. 122.

Monday, September 17, 2012

"Learning as Freedom" precis

In “Learning as Freedom” –an article on September 5, 2012 in The New York Times- Michael Roth argues that contrary to the “customized playlist of knowledge” of predesigned systems of education that condenses students to one limited field, higher education should act as a doorway to expand our knowledge, skills, and individuality in order for each person to choose his or her own educational path and grow his or her own sense of significance. Roth supports this claim by using multiple rhetorical modes, defending his argument and using different point of views, for example philosopher John Dewey’s point of view. Roth’s purpose is to remind the reader of John Dewey’s insight where education should be like a democracy because “learning in the process of living is the deepest form of freedom”. Education should not just be limited to schooling, it should continue on for the rest of our lives.